A long time back people were very unaware of the purpose and usage of a toothbrush. People then used sticks of trees like Miswak, feathers of birds, rags, fish bones, etc. With advancements in technology and medical science, people started understanding that dental health is ….

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Miguel de Cervantes once said –  “Every tooth in a man’s head is more valuable than a diamond,” and we completely agree with the statement. Teeth are very essential for every being on this planet. Imagine how difficult it would be to eat without teeth. If there were ….

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Healthy teeth are very significant to children overall health. Bad oral health can lead to many dental problems in children. Proper hygiene and care have to be taken for good oral care. Children are more prone to cavities and other ….

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Bad Breath is also called Halitosis. It Can be embarrassing because of the unpleasant odour of the Mouth. Bad Breath occurs caused by food, poor oral hygiene, diseases & other factors of a person. It can affect people globally. ….

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From a popcorn hull in your gum to a cracked tooth or bacterial infection, any toothache can result. Few toothaches may be due to gum inflammation temporarily. However, severe toothaches require dental care in order to address the p ….

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